In 2017, this is even more relevant today than when I first wrote it in 2004 as a response to reading books by Matthew Fox, Jim Marion, and Andrew Harvey on “The Cosmic Christ” – the Divine Love Presence within us that we can make real.   It connects that both The Historical Buddha and The Historical Christ shared visions of a compassionately-free and Divinely-empowered humanity…  It was first published in my book “The WE that is ME:  A Creation Spirituality Guidebook For You”.*********************************************

The wild and raving teacher, who was charismatically delivering his piece of the Cosmic Puzzle, questioned and exclaimed, “Can YOU imagine what the world would be like fully Christed and out of this mess?”

And for the first time in lifetimes of birthing and dying, of temptation and of transfiguration, of agonizing and of resurrecting, I nodded an amazed and illuminating YES…YES… YES…

All worlds are connected through awareness, which is the keeper of the flame. The realms of angels and elementals, of earthly beings, it is obvious that we are all the same.

I can see a great spiral dance of all religions moving hand-in-hand towards Our Source.  It is our destiny to be one in unity as we are birthed and breathed by Divine Life Force.

The essential truth of the innate divinity of all beings, with the abilities for direct communication Divine, are supported by all religions as spiritual communities illuminated equally in the glow of our blessed sunshine.

The great marriage of our East and West obviously brought all our mystical systems together.  And we’ve developed the willingness and persistence for heart and Soul to bridge and tether.

Co-creating with The Divine has become much more than a mere buzz word, for the selfish side of ego tumbled down with the purposeful fall of the absurd.

And a great welling up of humanity supported from spirit somehow managed to move past denial and lay claim,  to full response-ability for all our actions, moving into Divine Truth and order past all blame.

I can still tell that the Great Change was not easy, for human transformation had been so hidden.  However, it now stands obvious what can occur when multitudes prayerfully unite and The Divine bidden.

It is that scientific fact that if one group changes, the energy switches and transforms on its own.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s monkeys or humans, what can happen has already been shown.

And Christ Consciousness placed in this dimension of time and space and matter, illuminates our mass-consciousness terror so that man-made darkness has no choice but to shatter.

So it shattered while the clouds roared and thundered, while the seas rolled onto the Earth.  And when we humans finally reached out in forgiveness The Mother and we gave great birth.

In serving the growing Christ, The Divine Being within us all, we moved beyond human anxiety and aggression, beyond the traps of redemption and fall.

I see a whole planet of humans refraining from killing and harming others,  from stealing and slandering, from violating our mothers.

All the addictions galore that we had reveled in that cause carelessness and loss of awareness,  are now seen and transformed by a respected elder’s transfiguring kiss.

The spiritual acts of manifestation, of prophecy and of hands on healing,  are encouraged and taught as is the healthy expression of feeling.

Sacred creativity has expanded into all of the personal arts,  for with the reawakening of awe comes the expansion of all our hearts.

And as our hearts open wide, we miraculously make love real.  We integrate both the yin and the yang as our Souls make the one true deal.

To use our minds in a whole way of a combined right and left brain thing,  which includes both logic and intuition allowing our Soul’s voice to truly sing.

We no longer hide our misery or shove our cosmic pain aside. But through the differences in one another we share our burdens and are able to confide.

And because of all this, the big world wars have gradually fizzled.  The threat of nuclear annihilation and more have quit being a downpour becoming only a drizzle.

The process of connection has become what life is all about.  And just guess what true communion does to fearful dread and doubt.

The world has gone through a true metanoia, an awesome change of heart.  Although people may still try to fight, they can not stay apart.

For it has become impossible to deny who we truly are.  Our disillusionment has lifted; we have come way too far.

The ego pulls of sinful need to separate, to pretend to function alone,  no longer make any sense at all, not since Divine Love has shone.

That committing to political and social, sexual and economic transformation was the only way,  anything else had become too great a price to pay.

For misplaced and misused power had mired the world down.  And we were forced to make longing for joy into our saving clown.

It was the face of joy that exposed our ugliness and gloom.  It was the smile of our Beloved that saved us from our doom.

For we found it more challenging to be happy than to be caught up in our sorrow.  Until our rage promised us that if we continued there would be no tomorrow.

And so, it’s all about doing our work of releasing our blocks and freeing our limitations.  Not letting the little heel nipping devils darken the glow of our Divination.

Our Christed World depends upon our remembrances of the spiritual light.  For without that we can’t move past our individual and collective Dark Soul Of The Night.

We’ve learned that it is in giving that we truly do receive.  That it is in opening our heart that we surely do perceive.

A Christed World full of flying mystical prophets that are heard above the din of anything else that tries to drown out The Word.

And that word is DIVINE LOVE which speaks of moving gratitudes,  not the old style of negativity that speak of stifling platitudes.

The Christed World is full of beauty and the recognition of.  It is consciousness in action through the flight of a peace dove.

It is the Divine Feminine and Masculine dancing intertwined.  Dignity without pride the marriage of heart and mind.

And in this sacred marriage The Christed World is to be found,  the explosion of the Life Force, The OM, the Cosmic Sound.

And The Cosmic Christ moved me to dance and sing, as if this was all there was…

And The Cosmic Christ moved me to pray and to give, as if this was all there will be…

And The Cosmic Christ moved me to express and to love, as if this is all there is…





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